Huseyin Abudharr Ali is a poet, historian, activist and journalist.

Fundraising Officer for Haringey Green Party (GPEW)

Secretary of Haringey Justice for Palestinians (PSC)

Organiser of Refugee Action and Poetry Events at the Salam Project

Chair of North London Stop the War Coalition

MA International Relations & BA International Politics

A member of DiEM25-UK, National Trust, Global Justice Now, The United Nations Association-UK, Project for Peace and Justice, Independant Workers Union of Great Britain, the Progressive Alliance and Rumi’s Creatives

Volunteer at the Islamic Human Rights Commission

Fellow of The Royal Society for arts, manufactures and commerce (RSA)

Was president of MDXSU Global South Solidarity Society for 3 years.

Published Poet “Love, Hate and A Bench” available on Amazon

Gived talks at mosques, colleges and libraries on African and Islamic History.

Born and bred in North London from Greek, Irish, Sudanese and Pontian heritage he has consistently campaigned for human rights. He is a Muslim, Socialist and anti-Imperialist and this is reflected in much of his poetry.